“Each believed that God was on his side, for no one raises a hand without convincing himself first that he is right.”

Andrew Krivak

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  • An imagination too large to contain

    An imagination too large to contain

    There once was a girl, when she was young, and before she understood her fate, she imagined herself a large life. One of adventure and excitement. But this girl’s imagination was too large to be contained. With each year it would grow, eventually past the bounds of reality, and soon past her. The more she… Read more

  • She will not hear the same story

    She will not hear the same story

    My mother used to tell me a fable. One passed down from mother to daughter, about a woman who would get trapped in her mind more and more as she aged. She’d return less and less to the present with each year. The only solution was to find a savior to pull her from her… Read more

  • By my hands alone I am new.

    By my hands alone I am new.

    I took some time. I wasn’t planning to be gone for so long, but getting away felt too nice. My life is fully in my own hands; I reignited an agency I lost so long ago. I am ready to take action. Much can still go wrong, but I’m done assuming there is no way… Read more

  • You have much further to go. You are only just beginning.

    You have much further to go. You are only just beginning.

    It gets better. I know this is likely obvious to some, but for a long time, I didn’t believe that. I was certain that things would never get better. Harm and negative events infect the brain. Seeping it of any hope for development, mapping it instead to insecurity and fear. It’s only constants. It convinces… Read more

  • The molting of a past. The shells of pain. Anew I am born.

    The molting of a past. The shells of pain. Anew I am born.

    I recognize my need for this is less. I didn’t imagine this point. When I told myself I’d give myself until spring, that felt fruitless. It wasn’t. I’m not the same as I was when I started this. And there is still more to do. There is always more that can be done, but how… Read more

  • Unaffected, Unmoving, but Able.

    Unaffected, Unmoving, but Able.

    I’ve felt very quiet. As if for the first time, my surface wasn’t rippling. No longer altered by the actions of another. Still. And as I wait, it’s as if, for the first time, I realize I too can move myself. That the surface of me is under my control. I am not simply a… Read more